With all the gift giving during the Holiday season, I can truly say my Mother is the best gift of all...
Being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer with six months to live just three years ago, my mother survived it all! She is a true miracle from God. All through her chemotherapy she kept telling me, "God has a plan for me and He`s not done with me yet".
She`s my hero and when things don`t seem to go my way I just stop, take a deep breath, and thank God for letting me have her here with me just a little bit longer!
I`m looking forward to another year spending time and crafting with her! (I bought her Krinkles stocking a couple of years ago and she loves it)!
Oh how I love shoes! I wish I could fit my foot in one of these fun shoes! Playing in my room after having the flu all through Christmas has been a joy. These sweet shoes aren`t perfect- I still have some tweaking to do. I think I`ll fill them will vintage millinery and baubles......
I thought these would make great party favors or just sweet gifts for some special friends.....
Who wouldn`t love living in a Cody Foster neighborhood? I was doing some last minute shopping today and found this Cody Foster booth at an Antique mall in Lebanon, Tenn. It`s open all year so I didn`t have to make a mad rush and buy any. Couldn`t decide which one I loved most... The pink poodle is adorable....
If you`re not familiar with Cody Foster`s designs, here`s some pictures I took of his incredible work in a Winter Wonderland.......Merry Christmas!!
Yesterday FedEx left this on my front porch. What a surprise! I love it when you answer the door and there`s a big box waiting for you. One of the insurance companies I write for sent this to me. We love Harry and David because they have such wonderful sweet treats! My husband couldn`t wait to see what was in each box: Moose tracks,mixed nuts, chocolate covered cherries, truffles, raspberry shortbread cookies, and pears.
I Love a great find. At four dollars, I knew this was coming home with me! I love old test tubes and any thing related to chemistry. It was probably all right the way it was.......
...But when I painted it an antique white and filled it with vintage beads and baubles, I like it better! Now I have to find corks to make sure they don`t spill. A fun and inexpensive way to store beads, baubles, and bling! What do you store yours in?
(The wallpaper in the background is one of my favorite that I bought at Marilyn`s Wallpaper store while at Silver Bella.)
We don`t get much snow here in Old Hickory, Tenn. If we do we usually don`t get any until January or February. It snowed here 2-3 inches on Sunday! There`s nothing like snow close to Christmas! We bundled up and headed out for essentials. The hat I`m wearing I made in Charlotte Lyon`s class last year at Silver Bella. Little did I know how much I`d be wearing it this year! Hope you had a little snow too....
One of my favorite antique malls is The Rare Bird. The girls there are so sweet and very helpful. I have found so many terrific vintage things here. From hats to amazing jewelry, you`re sure to find antiques of all kinds!
Did I mention the displays? You be the judge...... Enjoy!
I LOVE Victorian nightgowns and this is a beauty! It`s Batise and has a trail. It`s a little pricey, but I still have my eye on it!
I have some friends visiting me through out the year. I`ll be showing them around all the favorite spots of mine. This is definitely one of them!
If you`re in the area any time this year let me know. There`s so much to see in the antique districts!
The fireplace is all aglow with lights, peppermint striped light bulb ornaments, silver mercury glass garland, a Mark Robert`s Peppermint Fairy, and two Byer`s Choice ice skaters.
A whimsical peppermint snowman.....
..... Is a close friend of the peppermint Santa!
These are a few new Carolers I bought after Christmas last year. Santa always puts money in my stocking to shop special sales after Christmas- It`s my day!!
This Santa is just hanging around! I love him- He is full of mica flakes on a peppermint stick... You gotta love that!
I`ve been collecting Byer`s Carolers for years. This set is my favorite! I collect all types of things from "A Christmas Carol." I just love the whole story because I truly believe there IS good in every one.
After looking all year, I finally found this vintage PINK flocked wreath! I love it.
Some whimsy in the guest bathroom. This is my tree I put in there every year.
I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of my wonderful whimsy world during this Holiday season. Life can be so stressful and serious sometimes, you just have to take time to enjoy Christmas with a smile..... and remember the REAL reason for the season!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Getting the table ready for guests...
Place cards are tied to their cup handles...
The table is set except for some pink napkins and napkin rings. (Note to self: center plates on chargers)!
Christmas Mooses....
Next: Some Byers Carolers and more Pink and Peppermint!! Stay tuned......
My Peppermint frogs will greet you at the entrance in the foyer. I love Katherine`s Collections. They make everything with great details and quality. The clothes are exquisite!
These peppermint urns are filled with Dollar Store trees that my friend Teresa flocked. I added light and dark pink vintage mercury ornaments to add some color and shine!
This is my grapevine tree I made this summer. I started with a tomato cage and wrapped grapevines around continuously. I made ribbon roses, brushed glue on them then added sugar glitter. I wrapped lights and vintage garlands around. The baby`s breath added a little softness. It added a feminine pink touch to the whimsy!
I only put one tree up this year. This is my flocked pencil tree. If you look closely, you can see snowmen peppermint sticks with red top hats, vintage pink mercury glass, and of course peppermint ornaments!
I found these huge peppermint sticks a few years ago. I think they add the perfect finishing touch to my peppermint tree!
Next I`ll be setting the table for some special friends coming Friday for crafting and fellowship. You`ll be introduced to my Christmas Mooses. And yes, they`re wearing peppermint striped sweaters! The mantle is all aglow... waiting for Santa to come. Stay tuned.....